Leaf babies
Polly had a Dolly
Staplehurst, England
Willow leaf baby, Polly had a DollyThe perfect companion for a walk by the river! Her pod is silvery grey to represent the colour of the leaves when the sun shines.
Hawthorn leaf baby, Polly had a DollyThis simple doll is designed to inspire hours of nature play - why not go to your local hedgerow and see if you can spot a hawthorn?
Ash leaf baby, Polly had a DollyThe Ash tree is under attack by a fungus called Ash dieback. Teach your little one to respect and protect these trees with a Ash leaf baby.
Maple leaf baby, Polly had a DollyField maple trees are our only native maple in the UK - and the sap can be used to make syrup too!
Fern, Polly had a DollyThe perfect companion for a forest walk.