I have a particular preoccupation with lichens, mosses and fungi. I love the way they can soften a gravestone, a wall, a log pile. I love how they charge the grey of stone, of a rain-swept day, with improbable and seductive colour. I rejoice at their persistence, grieve at their vulnerability to disregard. As I stitch, I hold in memory the joy of encountering them.
Penelope Brook, Artist
Oxford, England
hand-stitch in linen, wool, silk, cotton and mohair on wool, 29.5 x 39.5 cm
hand-stitch in linen, cotton, silk and mohair on wool, 20.5 x 29.5 cm
hand-stitch in linen, silk, wool, cotton and mohair on wool, 29.5 x 39.5 cm
hand-stitch in linen, silk, wool, cotton and mohair on wool, 29.5 x 39.5 cm